Bambang pramusintha

Posts Tagged ‘technology’

How to Creating New HTML Elements

In HTML Element, JQuery, Srcipt PHP, Tutorial, Website Tutorial, Wordpress Tutorial on July 27, 2012 at 9:13 am

jQuery help us to create an HTML elements and insert them into a page.

If we pass a text string that spells out a new HTML element to the jquery ( ) or $( ) function (which are the same thing), jQuery will create that new element:

$(“<p>I’m a new &lt;p&gt;element!</p>”)

The upper code will display ”  I’m a new <p> element ! “

To actually get the new element into a page, we have to use a function like insert After () , passing a selector indicating the element that you want to insert the new element after.

This tutorial creates new <p> elements and inserts them into a page following a <p> element with the ID “first”, like this:


I’m a new <p>element!


To create new elements:

1. We are going to use text editor (such as notepad or Wordpad) to create our HTML page and give the file name as “create.html”.

2. Enter the code to add the jQuery libraryand add a element with the ID “first”. Read the rest of this entry »

How To Add Geo Meta tag

In Joomla CMS, Meta Element, Meta Geo Tag on July 11, 2012 at 9:26 am

Historically, meta tag for the language and the country has been less reliable than conclude the language or country directly. For example, many webmasters also just copy / paste from the template of a friend without checking the meta tag values.

Unreliability of meta tags is why Google tends to not use them or give them less weight.

So webmasters here three points for considering to put the geo meta tag to your website/blog :

[1] Bing currently using geo-meta tag
[2] Google ignores meta tags geo
[3] Be careful when you copy or use an existing template template

Cortesy forum discussion at Bing Community.

” I suggest adding the following meta tag to your home page header and verify that there are no tags pointing to “en-gb”–especially if you are using the Joomla CMS “, Brett said specifically, with Joomla.

Brett Young from the Bing webmaster support team suggested to the webmaster to change the meta tag to:

<meta http-equiv=”content-language” content=”en-us”>

“We generally ignore geo-meta tags like that because we’ve found that they are generally incorrect [copy & pasted from a template, etc]”, Brett Young Said.

A Google Webmaster Help thread once again confirms that Google ignores the geo-meta tags. Those tags somewhat look like this and use to serve the purpose of telling search engines where the site is based:

<meta name=”geo.placename” content=”United States” />
<meta name=”geo.position” content=”x;x” />
<meta name=”geo.region” content=”usa” />
<meta name=”ICBM” content=”x,x” />

It seems like this is a common issue webmasters run into when using Joomla.